A project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and run by Trentside churches to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War and the peace that followed.
The aim is to bring together people from across the diverse communities of Burton to remember the sacrifices made and to stand together with a united vision of peace for the future…

A series of FREE events including; special services, exhibitions, events, family days, research opportunities, talks, trips, a concert and more!
EVERYONE! Young and old.
Not only those in our parish boundaries but people from all across Burton. There will be something for everyone!
On the 8th August 1918, the Great War that had ravaged nations was drawing to a dramatic close. All across the Western Front Allied Forces were preparing for ‘one last push’ in a massive offensive designed to drive the central powers out of France and end the appetite of greed and war. The war had raged for over four years, and despite the heady optimistic view of ‘home by Christmas’, by the end of conflict the estimated number of global military and civilian casualties was about 41million, 20 million of which were fatal.
As we commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War, we remember the generations that gave so much, who fought for more than just victory, but for a better world. On the battlefield commonwealth volunteers served alongside each other. British forces included Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs whose descendants play a central role in our culture today.

The war changed not only the lives of those who fought, but those who stayed behind to keep our countries running. Women played an enormous role, not only in work on farms, factories and in making munitions, but paving the way for gender equality and the right to vote.
This project aims to remember the many great sacrifices made, not only the lives lost, but the lives forever changed and for many devastated; for the countless care givers of sons, fathers, children and strangers who battled through when all seemed hopeless.
Peace prevailed in 1918. Bells rang out, flags were waved and people sang in the street, but that joy could not extinguish all the pain. We will not forget the cost at which that peace came. We will endeavour to hear the stories from the families of Burton, and our neighbours across the globe. On this earth war still rages, and it is only by our loving and understanding one another that peace can be achieved. Burton Peace 100 hopes to strengthen the friendships and links between the communities of Burton, so that our small corner of the world can stand united with a hope for peace for the future.
“For the members of Trentside Parish churches, true peace can only be found in Jesus. He is our beacon, showing us the way to bring a portion of his love and peace to our neighbours, those we know and those we are yet to meet.”
Throughout the duration of our Burton Peace 100 project there will be a series of free events for all the people of Burton, which will share the vision of peace through remembering the events of the First World War and its impact on us all.
Image: British troops, Saloniki, Greece, The Great War – Creative Commons, Europeana- 1914 – 1918
Image: Portuguese army unit: National Library of Scotland – License: Creative Commons BY 4.0